
a day in my life

Today, I prepared lunch for me and my girlfriend. Things are becoming repetitive, but I still find myself excited about some certain parts of the day, like cooking time, going home after work or writing on the journal. There's a lot to learn at work, but I'm taking it day by day.

I guess it feels that the days are going by pretty quickly because they all look alike. But isn't that the product of routine and habit? With that, I want to start to mention things that only happened today when I write, or something that was fun. Something that can tell the day apart from the others. Here goes:

I tried a new flavor in the office pantry coffee machine. It was more chocolate than coffee, actually. I also got my first non-training ticket today, which I was nervous about at first, but managed to get done. Today's Wordle was hard! I also used my ketchup squeezie at lunch. It's a very, very small ketchup bottle (about 1-2 inches tall) my girlfriend bought for me so I can use it moderately in my lunches instead of bringing fast food ketchup sachets. By afternoon, I was given another ticket and I was challenged! I had to go about creating my own way of doing stuff. I also caught my own mistakes, of which I am proud of.

I think the days will most likely pass by like this: I will go about the routines and then I will find small trinkets of life that can be interesting or mundane but they could also be fun and all the time in whatever shape or form, they are precious moments.

I'm reminded of how precious moments can be even if it feels like 'just another day'. On the way home, I unexpectedly shared a bus ride with a co-worker and learned the story of how they survived a recent disaster. For context, I'm still new at my job. We've talked a few times and have had lunch with the rest of our team. By the time I got off, I felt a deeper connection with them because they showed me vulnerability. I learned this week that doing that (showing vulnerability) takes a lot of courage and I gained a sense of admiration for them. That doesn't happen everyday, does it?

As long as I have something to write or tell myself about, I think I'm living life alright. I think it's called introspection. I guess for me it just means there's some essence to what experiences I write down here or on my journal. I had a lot of moments today! And these are the only ones that made the cut. Rehashing it like this, revisiting, reflecting. It keeps telling me the lesson of how every moment spent has some tug on where else life takes us. And it makes me feel that I'm important, too, to myself, if that makes any sense.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you also feel important to yourself. . .