
dear reader

It is only recently that I realized no one apart from my girlfriend knows that I write. Aside from the occasional Instagram posts and Letterboxd reviews that can’t be more than 3 sentences, maybe some tweets from before, everyone else would come up empty.

I’m going to tell you now some facts about this author. I am in my 20s. I am starting to build a career in software and will be completing my degree later this year. I probably overthink a lot of things, including this piece, so I am trying very hard to not push down the backspace button and just save all the editing for later. I collect notebooks even if the date of the collection and the date of the first time I will spill a drop of ink on it are a few years apart. I believe it to be an entirely separate hobby.

Editing a text is difficult for me to do when I am writing by hand, so I just don’t do it. My thoughts flow freely and I can stay true to what I thought of in the first place. In this attempt of a blog, my goal is to do the same. I am not used to having my subconscious tell me that my thoughts will be subjected to someone else’s consciousness should they stumble upon this blog like it was a distress alarm. In fact, my first few private journals had prefaces of telling anyone who sees it to be gone and close the notebook immediately or else something really bad will happen. It is a bit funny that at this very moment I am doing the opposite of just that.

This author welcomes you, reader. Let us digest and go beyond the syntax of language and feel connections with random strangers’ musings and experiences, despite no previous knowledge of each other’s existence. It was how I’ve been reading other people’s blog posts this past week and every post I read inspired me to take part in the experience. I also want to tell people how my day went, gush about my lover or just share something nice that happened to me.

That, and I wanted to see how I will develop my brain into being confident with writing now that it knows it is available for anyone in the world with the Internet to read.

I guess that makes the two of us trying to get to know this author better.

Thanks for stopping by. . .