
to keep my weekends interesting

I recently mentioned that I've gotten myself a 9-5 job. This is my first big girl job and I'm feeling it already as I'm in the office Monday to Friday! I like what I do, but certainly, there has to be more to this life, more than trading my time and life energy away for money.

I've decided to make the weekends my lifeline. The thing is, I want to feel eternal and cool and interesting, despite the possibility of a day job to be a soul-sucking endeavor. I am now actively going to combat this by this simple goal of keeping my weekends interesting.

I think that the key here is that with the loss of school breaks and summer vacations, I must always be looking forward to a new or fun activity to do when I have free time. Some ideas:

The rule, of course, is that it has to be free from any thoughts about actual work. My current employer accommodates that and I will not ever expect a call in the weekend. I am not yet that important, either. I am quite lucky in this aspect.

I also realize now that it must be impossible that, in all 52 weekends of the year, I will not encounter a time that I will have to do life maintenance or household-related tasks or errands that cannot be addressed on the weekdays. The only solution I have now to make it interesting is to buy myself a treat from a new shop or place I've never been before as an additional quest when completing such tasks.

My weekends have become so precious now. It all used to be about homework and projects and family stuff since I was a kid and most of the time my parents will decide what to do. I will spend them wisely now I have more autonomy. I have this hope that maybe this is a way so I can feel life slow down. I will collect these memories, then they will feel like they happened ages ago, as if I've lived so many lives.

I'm writing this on a Sunday night, after I've spent the day with my girlfriend and our friend. We've toured a part of the city, we ate food new to our taste, walked streets we didn't know even existed before. It took some planning, effort and time for us to show up, and it was all so very worth it. I will come to treasure this day a lot. This day made me write this post and take this new commitment of mine very seriously.

I am given this life. I do not want to feel it so singular. I know a lot of things can go a long way when there is intent. So I will experience what it has to offer with everything I can. Now I've seen what the weekends can do, I will use it to my advantage.

Thanks for reading this and I hope we have a great week ahead!